Sacred Heart & St Teresa's Church Wilmslow
Church Groups
Our choir sings at the 10.30am Mass, new members always welcome.
Do you have a clear and expressive voice able to convey the words of the Scripture? If so why not become a reader at a Mass. Young readers are always welcome.
Children and Young People
Children and young people are encouraged to take an active part in the liturgy at mass. If anyone would like to be involved please speak to the parish priest.
St Teresa’s Prayer Group
The prayer group meets on Wednesdays at 11 am in the parish hall until 12 noon for prayer, scripture, intentions, rosary and music. All are most welcome to join.
Church Cleaning
Volunteers are always needed for cleaning the church. It is done on a rota basis, 2 people at a time, at a convenient time during the day, therefore not onerous.
St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP)
The S.V.P. is a worldwide lay organisation founded by Blessed Frederick Ozanam, in 1833 Their core activity is to visit and befriend the elderly, the housebound, the lonely, the sick, and families in need, and in so doing provide practical and moral support through personal contact
The St. Teresa’s group (known as a Conference) meets on a fortnightly basis to review the previous weeks work and plan the coming 2 weeks. The members dedicate approximately 1-2 hours per week in active work.
New members are always warmly welcome.
CAFOD (Catholic Aid for Overseas Development) is a national Catholic Charity which gives monies for projects across the developing world. They have two main sources of income in the parish, Family Fast days in Lent and in the Autumn. However, St. Teresa's has for many years, had a local project which has been well supported by the parishioners. We have collected over the last 5 years the sum of £23,000
At the beginning of 2011 we sought the opinions of parishioners and it was decided that a new project would commence which concentrated on Cambodia and it is to this that local fundraising will be directed.
We have various activities during the year and we ask you to support them as well as supporting us with your prayers.
Rosary Prayer Group
Since October 1991, a small group of daily Mass-goers has prayed five decades of the Rosary every day after Mass, following the recommended pattern of the Church, i.e. Joyful Mysteries on Mon and Sat: Sorrowful on Tue and Fri: Glorious on Wed and Sun (not in Church). The new Mysteries of Light, which follow Our Lord’s public ministry from His Baptism to the Institution of the Eucharist on the Eve of His Passion, are recited on Thursday.
The group is affiliated to the national Association of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, believing that, the spiritual power of prayer is enhanced by collective association. The Rosary is a powerful prayer, especially recommended by Popes, its origins shrouded in mystery, but the saint most prominently associated with it is St Dominic in the 12th and 13th centuries. Many are the promises and prophecies associated with its recital. In the 16th century, when the Catholic naval forces were fighting the troops of the Ottoman Empire, Pope Pius V called for all of Europe to pray to the rosary for a victory, which they achieved.
All are invited to join them and/or write any prayer requests in the Rosary Diary, kept on the prie-dieu on Our Lady’s altar.
St. Teresa’s Finance Committee
Father Anthony chairs the finance committee, who meet quarterly, to advise on the administration of the parish. They consider the parish’s finances as a whole, including assessing the merits of one proposal against another, determining priorities and advising on funding for the parish’s annual revenue and capital requirements. They also assist the parish priest in the safeguarding and conserving of all parish property and goods, including regular inspections, as well as advising on the maintenance of buildings and development projects. The parish priest also consults the finance committee about any proposed substantial expenditure.
Donations to the Church which are Gift Aided:
As you will be aware, if you are a tax payer, on any kind of income, the Church can reclaim the tax you have already paid on any donations which you make, either by envelope or standing order. It
is a simple procedure, just signing a form and you do not pay any additional monies to that you have already given. If you are a higher tax payer, there are specific advantages as you can reduce your
overall tax liability, again without paying extra money. Paying regularly also allows us to have a regular income.
Numbers at Mass throughout the Diocese are declining and parish running costs are continuing to rise – as you no doubt know with your own household costs. Over the past few years we have had a refund of tax from the government of between £8k and £9k which has enabled us to pay our overheads. Two years ago, the then
Government reduced the basic rate of income tax from 22% to 20% ,but allowed the reclaiming of tax for Charities to remain on the same basis as previously. However, that transitional arrangement will soon
be coming to a close and the loss of Gift Aid to all Parishes in the Diocese is estimated at £90,000 each year. It is expected that this Parish alone will lose approximately £1080 annually. Would you please re-assess the amount you give to the parish and if you have not already done so, and are a tax payer, join the gift aid scheme and pay
your donation by envelope or standing order. Will you please be aware that in the voucher scheme run by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) and other similar bodies, charges are deducted by the handling agencies resulting in a loss to the Parish and the Diocese. If you wish the whole of your Offertory giving to
benefit the Church, please join the gift aid scheme.
More information is available from Michael in the office, who is the Gift Aid Organiser. You can contact him via the parish email address